Digging Deep When It Matters the Most Sooner or later, it happens to everyone. You find yourself at a crossroads. You’re at a point where you either act now to get things done, or you might as well give up. To some, this is the breaking point, the place where dreams come to die. To others, this is their shining moment, their chance to be the hero in their own story. Digging deep when it matters most is a worthy goal. If you were asked which you would rather be, the answer would likely be … [Read more...]
Visionary Who Shaped Music and Television
Visionary Who Shaped Music and Television Over the weekend I watched a documentary about Suzanne de Passe. I couldn't believe that I had never heard her name or been aware of the impact she continues to have in the world of entertainment. In a day and age where there are so many people from all over the world contributing in this way, she stands out as an iconic visionary who shaped music and television in so many creative and innovative ways. I'll share what I learned with you here, in … [Read more...]
The Thin White Veil
Navigating the Thin White Veil A thin white veil covered the window looking out over the garden. Just past this colorful section of the estate was the stream that ran the length of the property and winded down and around the path leading directly to the ocean. A thin white veil can be described as a metaphorical or literal barrier... fragile yet seemingly impenetrable... that obscures clarity, separates worlds, or symbolizes a transition or transformation. It represents something that is not … [Read more...]
Feeling Overwhelmed? How to Get Back on Track to Achieve All of Your Goals
How to Deal with Constantly Feeling Overwhelmed Do you get tense just thinking about all of the responsibilities you have? If so, you probably deal with feelings of fear, frustration, anxiety, and maybe even anger. Once in a while, you may deal with these feelings, but when it is each day for weeks or months on end, it’s time to learn how to deal with them. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, here's how to get back on track and on to the life experience that awaits you... 6 Suggestions to Deal … [Read more...]
Manifesting Marketer: Elevate Your Leadership with Visioning
Elevate Your Leadership with the Power of Visioning as a Manifesting Marketer The "manifesting marketer combines the art of visioning with deliberate action to become a leader in their field. Leadership is not just about achieving goals. It’s about inspiring others, driving innovation, and staying ahead of the curve. Visioning is a powerful tool that helps you align your goals with purpose, identify opportunities, and manifest success that goes beyond the numbers. Start by defining your … [Read more...]
The Power of Reframing
The Power of Reframing to Shift Your Mindset Today I'm reflecting on the power of reframing and how I accidentally stumbled upon this strategy and shift in mindset before I came online in 2006. I was still working as a classroom teacher at that time and the principal had not been kind to me. I believed that she was singling me out and purposelymaking my life unhappy with her words and actions. I made a plan to resign at the end of that school year and was starting to learn about setting up … [Read more...]
Authority Marketing Mastery: Writing Content That Builds Credibility
Authority Marketing Mastery: Write Content to Build Credibility in 2025 and Beyond Authority is the backbone of marketing that truly resonates. It’s what makes people trust your recommendations, value your insights, and feel confident in choosing you over someone else. Focus on authority marketing mastery and writing content that builds your credibility and the online world will be listening to you. When you’re seen as an authority, your audience doesn’t just listen—they believe. They rely … [Read more...]
Maximize Productivity and Reduce Stress with Routines
Routines to Maximize Productivity and Reduce Stress Do you often feel overwhelmed and at least a bit out of control? Incorporating daily routines into your life can help simplify everything you do. With a reliable, consistent routine in place, it’s easier to manage your time and prioritize tasks. One of the added bonuses is that you will also maximize productivity and reduce stress. Before I left the workforce and started my online business, I was regularly overwhelmed. I longed to … [Read more...]
My Journey from Employee to Entrepreneur
My Journey from Employee to Entrepreneur: The Long and Winding Road Sometimes, people find their path in life early on. The dreams they held as a child come to fruition in young adulthood. This wasn’t the case for me and I struggled well into my late twenties. I want to share my journey from employee to entrepreneur with you in hopes that you can learn from what I experienced and have a more direct path to the life and lifestyle you want and deserve. My journey from employee to entrepreneur … [Read more...]
The Power of Words to Reinvent Your Life
The Hidden Power of Words: How Language Shapes Your Reality Words are the most powerful tools we use daily, yet we often overlook their profound influence on our lives. Language is not merely a means of communication; it’s a system of control, a vibrational force that shapes our emotions, beliefs, and reality. The power of words cannot be overstated and can help you to achieve your goals and dreams, as well as reinvent your life. Unlocking the Vibrational Force of Language to Reclaim Your … [Read more...]