Bright Shiny New Objects Syndrome: Myth or Fact? Sometimes, in certain industries like internet marketing, buzz words and phrases get thrown around and joked about in forums where colleagues gather to discuss strategies, progress and obstacles. One of them is bright shiny new objects syndrome. It’s supposed to encompass the process where struggling marketers continually abandon their projects to chase something new and exciting. There are two camps of thought about this behavior – that … [Read more...]
Daily Habits to Improve Your Life
Daily Habits to Improve Your Life by Cultivating a Growth Mindset Shifting your mindset can be overwhelming and intimidating, even when you know it could have a positive impact on your life. Instead of looking at it like a complete transformation of your thoughts and beliefs, try to see it as a simple change in the way you think. This can be done by adjusting your daily routine and introducing some habits that will allow you to shift to cultivate a growth mindset. Here, we'll look more … [Read more...]
Heal and Rewrite Your Money Story
How to Heal and Rewrite Your Money Story by Changing Your Money Mindset Have you ever heard of a “money story”? A money story is a popular term used to describe an individual's personal beliefs and attitudes toward money, shaped by their unique experiences, upbringing, and cultural background. My goal here is to help you heal and rewrite your money story. We all have a money story, whether we’re business owners or not. However, in the context of entrepreneurship, a money story can … [Read more...]
Lifelong Learning Requires Massive Action
Lifelong Learning: Taking Action for Life-Changing Growth When I embraced lifelong learning, I found that I needed to explain and defend my reasons. As a classroom teacher for twenty years, my goal and intention was to encourage my students to understand and choose this path for their own lives. "Mrs. Green, you mean you still have to go to school?" I'd shared with my class that I was taking an astronomy class at the local college and wanted to tell them what it was like to be a student … [Read more...]
Writing with an Internal Perspective
Writing with an internal perspective won't take me where I want to go... Recently, I learned a hard lesson when it comes to my writing: If everything is internal instead of being verbalized, nothing happens. I believe I knew this for a fact, but the concept was buried deep inside of me and evidently inaccessible when I needed it most. This was at the top of the notes my writing mentor gave me after reading, editing, and critiquing the story I submitted to him through our group... "Connie: The … [Read more...]
Setting Goals That Matter
Setting Goals That Matter for Your Business is the First Step to Great Success Goals. We've heard about the importance of setting and achieving goals since we were children. But now? Goal setting can become a chore that easily slips away from our consciousness, unless we add the secret sauce... 5 Famous People Who Set Goals and Worked Through Setbacks Setting goals is a task every single person should embrace. Whether you do it every New Year or at various times throughout the year, … [Read more...]
Creative Ways to Increase Your Focus
Creative Ways to Build Better Focus Building better focus cannot be found in a step-by-step guide. It is a process, one that is filled with starts, stops, leveling up, and many missteps along the way. In fact, improving your focus might just be one of the most challenging things you can try to do in the Twenty-First Century. We have limitless distractions, stress from home and work, and information flying at us 24/7, so here are some creative ways to increase your focus. Here, you will … [Read more...]
Personal Development for a Successful Journey
Unraveling the Pitfalls of Personal Development: Keys to a Successful Journey Despite the allure of personal development for a successful journey through life, many individuals find themselves either shying away from it altogether or failing to make meaningful progress. Understanding the reasons behind these failures is crucial for those aspiring to succeed in their personal growth endeavors, especially for authors and entrepreneurs who often lead multifaceted lives. Let's discuss some … [Read more...]
Positive Self-Talk and Cognitive Restructuring
Positive Self-Talk and Cognitive Restructuring to Elevate Your Mindset... Believe it or not, words hold a lot of power. You can use words to inspire or you can use them to hinder. You can use words to motivate or to tear down. The language your self-talk uses is the script your internal narrative uses to influence your actions and thoughts. If your self-talk is negative, it will shape a negative script. Likewise, if it's positive, it will help you write a positive script. Let's focus here on … [Read more...]
Intuition And Manifestation: Trusting Your Promptings and Inner Guidance
Intuition and Manifestation by Trusting Your Promptings Is it possible for you to elevate your intuition and take charge of what you manifest by trusting your inner guidance and listening to your promptings? Let's discuss the truth about intuition and manifestation and take a closer look at how you may shift and improve your life circumstances and results. In "The Attractor Factor", my long-time friend and co-author on other books, including "The Inner Game of Internet Marketing" and … [Read more...]