Generate Motivation At A Moment’s Notice by Flipping the Switch
Motivation On? What do we mean when we say “flipping the switch” anyway? The Urban Dictionary defines it as a sudden or drastic change of heart. Here, I’m talking about it as it relates to inspired motivation at a moment’s notice.
We are all unmotivated sometimes. We all procrastinate getting started on a new project or task we don’t enjoy doing. But often in life, we don’t have a choice – we must get certain things done. These can be big things liking getting a college degree to get that job you want or smaller things like balancing your checkbook so you know if you can afford that new iPhone. Even the promise of a lucrative side hustle might take some time before you can muster inspired motivation.
Doing anything, big or small, is easier when there’s motivation behind it. So how do we access motivation when we don’t feel like we are up to the task? No matter if you are a professional procrastinator or someone who is feeling overwhelmed by the challenging task before them, you will find the tips for accessing your inner motivation here.
You are going to learn ways to flip your motivation switch so that you don’t have to wait around for inspiration or motivation to strike – you will be able to create it yourself whenever you need it!
The Benefits of Instant and Inspired Motivation
It feels great to be in that sweet spot of productivity. You are focused and feel great at the end of the day knowing that you got a lot accomplished. But what other benefits does instant motivation have?
It also raises your self-confidence. You’ve experienced this for yourself. You start a new task, something you aren’t really sure you will be able to do, and after a while when you start to see that you can do it, you feel more confident. After that, things just get going faster and better than before. Your momentum steps it up a notch because you now have more confident in your abilities to perform the task.
Speaking of momentum, you’ve most likely heard, “a body in motion tends to stay in motion,” right? You don’t have to be in a physics class to know that this is true. It comes from Newton’s first law of motion and it applies to all motion, including our own. Once you get started on a task, you get into the groove of it and the outcome is that your effort flows more smoothly than you expected it to. This is true even if you were dreading the task and had been putting it off for another day. Once we get motivated enough to just get started, momentum kicks in and makes life easier.
It helps us reach our goals too, of course. We need to get stuff done, and it’s just plain easier when we are motivated to do the action tasks we need to do to get there. No matter how hard or challenging something is, if we are motivated to do it, it doesn’t feel as hard or challenging as it would be otherwise.
How to Flip The Switch for Massive Motivation
Now that we better understand why motivation is so helpful in getting projects completed, let’s dig into ways we can flip that motivation switch so that even when we don’t feel like doing anything but binge-watching Netflix, we can get ourselves in a drastically different state of mind so we can get stuff done.
These suggestions are in no particular order. One isn’t better than any other. It’s just that everyone is motivated a little differently. The best way to figure out what best motivates you is to try different ones until you figure it out. You may want to combine different ones to find that sweet spot. And some of them are simply smart ideas that everyone should do to stay at their peak performance.
Inspired Motivation Requires You to Focus… So Unplug!
Oh, this one is so hard for us to do, yet is so important for our productivity! We are always plugged in. We need to be to complete many tasks. From watching a YouTube video to figure out how to fix our car to messaging with our teacher to get a better understanding of an assignment, we count on being plugged in almost constantly.
But it can be a huge distraction. And, it wears us down, even if we don’t realize it. It takes a lot of energy to be available virtually 24/7. So plan unplugged times into your schedule, maybe every Sunday morning or an hour before bed each night. It doesn’t have to be a huge block of time – just enough to give your brain some rest from always being plugged into everything that is going on in our world.
Have One Goal for Inspired Motivation
Most of us put too much pressure on ourselves. We have a zillion different projects going at once, with none of them really getting anywhere. After making little progress on any one thing, our motivation starts to lag, naturally.
Yet we keep doing this time and time again. When we see little progress and are working constantly, we exhaust ourselves, body, spirit, and mind. One of the top ways to get motivated and stay that way is to focus on one goal at a time. Give it your total focus and appreciate each little step, letting the small victories add up.
The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said that “The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
This means that no matter how big your goal is, you can achieve it if you just take the first step.
What is the first step to achieving your goal? It depends upon what you have set your goal to be and where you are right now in your life experience, in relation to that goal. Move forward with inspired motivation and action and everything becomes a possibility.
I’m bestselling USA Today and Wall Street Journal author Connie Ragen Green,
sharing inspired motivation with you on many levels and enabling you to
create a lifestyle by design.
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