A New Entrepreneur’s Journey to Success Begins Here
On a recent call with my mentees, one of the topics we discussed was around making sure you’re spending the time necessary to build and grow your online business and that your family members are supportive of your goals. Having a bird’s eye view of a new entrepreneur’s journey to success cane be exhilarating!
We had just over half of our members with us that morning, and one person who was not there has definitely earned the right to take as much time off as she likes. Rachel – not her real name – is someone I’ve been working with for just over a year. She already had a blog/website to begin growing her online business at that time and had created two printables that were not selling when she first came to me for my mentoring. I became her affiliate and after making a few sales her confidence grew and she was inspired to do more. I like to share her strategies with my newer mentees, who calls what she does “Rachel’s Rules.”
Rachel has also helped me with a few things during this time, most specifically by answering questions I have about creating and selling printables, and she always emails me back promptly. Even though she has a young, active family, she puts in a consistent 15 to 20 hours every week, and her income has increased month over month during this past year. I buy lots of products online, and I prefer to do this through the affiliate link of one of my mentees who is recommending something that will be beneficial to me. Whether Rachel earns five dollars or a hundred dollars from something I purchase, she always takes the time to write and thank me.
So, what exactly does Rachel do each week that is making such a difference for her? She publishes a new blog post, using private label rights (PLR) content about half of the time; she chooses three to five affiliate items to promote each week; she emails her list at least three times a week; she shares her blog posts, the articles she publishes on Medium, and her own and affiliate products on social media; she creates one new product every month (she currently has 15 simple products of her own to sell); she reaches out to five new people (either people on her list, those she is purchasing from and recommending, or those whose list she is on and would like to get to know better) online; and shares what she’s doing, the results she’s getting, and her goals for the week with her family every night after dinner. They’re listening more intently now that she’s making more progress.
I asked her when she had made the decision to commit to doing whatever it would take to become profitable with an online business. This is the story she shared with me…
“I’ve worked part-time ever since my youngest was in school. We have three children, now ages twelve, eleven, and eight. My oldest daughter has had ongoing health issues with asthma, and my youngest is autistic, and we don’t have family close by to help out. That meant that I could only work while they were in school or when my husband could be with them in the evenings or on the weekends.
Over the years I have worked as a waitress, as a sales rep for a carpet cleaning company, as the assistant manager for a coin laundry, as a secretary in the office at our church, and as a sales person in a clothing store. It was that last job in the clothing store where my thinking changed. I had already been doing some things online, like blogging and sharing products and courses using my affiliate link.
One week, I made two sales – one for a course that sold for $199 and the other for an annual membership for someone teaching others how to create printables that cost $129. My commission from those two things was 50%, so I made roughly $160. I typically worked no more than 15 hours a week and the minimum wage in my area is still less than eight dollars an hour. When I quickly did the math I saw that I had earned about $40 more that week as an online entrepreneur than I had at my real job.
That’s when I sat down with my husband after the kids were in bed that night and we agreed that I would get serious about my online business and give my notice at the clothing store.”
I asked Rachel to break down her “Rachel’s Rules” into a daily, step by step schedule for a new entrepreneur’s journey to success. This is what she shared with me and she told me she believes anyone can succeed by creating a similar schedule for themselves…
Sunday: This is our family day and instead of turning on my computer, I choose to think about my business and make notes in a weekly planner that makes this a simple process for me. I am always surprised my how many ideas come into my mind while I’m relaxing and enjoying time with my family members, and sometimes friends join us as well on Sundays.
Monday: I already have an idea about the blog post I will write and publish today. Then I make a simple outline and start writing. If I get stuck, I use the free version of ChatCPT and give it a couple of prompts to get some ideas with artificial intelligence. Just getting that blog post out each Monday makes me feel like I have accomplished something special. Then I share the blog post on social media, especially on X (formerly Twitter) and on LinkedIn and Facebook.
Tuesday: My son has a therapy session with his autism group each week at 7 am on Tuesdays, so I write and send out my email first thing in the morning and then we leave for his appointment. When he’s finished I drop him of at school and come back home. Then I look for what’s new I can buy and/or promote through an affiliate link and reach out to someone online to build a relationship.
Wednesday: I like to share the blog post I wrote on Monday to Medium on Wednesdays. That way I know that Google has already indexed the article to me and that I have the chance to get it in front of thousands on people on Medium who could be interested in my niche topic and in me!
Thursday: I send another email to my list on Thursdays, and then the rest of my time is spent on writing down my ideas for future blog posts and working on whatever new product I have in the works. I feel very powerful when I am creating something that I know will take some time now, but that I can sell over and over for years to come.
Friday: On this day each week I go through the courses and groups I’m a part of online and take advantage of what the creators have put together for the members. I am able to learn new things, ask my questions, and connect with people who are also growing an online business. Some of the people I’ve know for a year and others are brand new, at least to me.
Saturday: I send my email out as early as possible on Saturday mornings, because I know that people who work Monday through Friday are more likely to read through their emails to see what they might have missed during the week. And it seems like there are always a few new products or courses that I want to promote as well. Then I’m busy with family and friends most of the day, even though I still have a spot in the back of my mind for new thoughts and ideas for my business, and I jot down some notes in my planner before I forget. I learned that lesson the hard way… and more than once!
Are You Really in Business? What’s Your Business Model
with Your New Entrepreneur’s Journey?
I hope you have benefited from what I’ve shared here with Rachel’s thoughts on a new entrepreneur’s journey to success. Now it’s time for you to make some decisions and take action. Ask yourself… What’s for sale? Do I Have the Tools I Need? What about a Mentor to guide me?
What if…
What if you used the book The 12 Week Year in a serious and committed way once before the end of 2024? What could/would you accomplish?
What would you be willing to give up during this time? Perhaps a few social gatherings, some television, or ?
What would your goals be to achieve during this 12 week period? Perhaps this would make your new entrepreneur’s journey go more quickly, easily, and successfully!
- Perhaps posting to your blog once a week, sharing on social media – Facebook, LinkedIn, and X (formerly Twitter), and then sharing on Medium
- Outlining your book and writing one 1500 to 2000 word chapter each week
- Outlining a simple product or course and then working on it for 60 to 90 minutes each week
- Finding people who will become your affiliate and promote you and what you are creating – Don’t forget about reciprocation, where you would promote and share each other every week.
What is your BIG product or course? Think of it as a “signature” course that teaches others the model or framework that’s working for you. Start with a mini version of this course, perhaps even a simplified, free version. Then build on what you have, ask for and respond to feedback, and commit to improving what you do every time you go back to it. I can promise you that your new entrepreneur’s journey will benefit.
Is it possible for you to spend an uninterrupted 10 to 15 hours each week working in and on your business? Make your schedule available to family members and close friends. Explain the “rocks, pebbles, sand, water” concept to them and make sure you will always make time for them. But explain the gravity of your situation and why you spending time building your business will always be an excellent strategy for you and for them.
What would be possible with an additional $500 each month in your bank account? How about a thousand dollars more each month? What about $10,000 dollars in your bank account every month, over and above what you receive from a job or other sources right now? How big does this number need to be before it scares you? What actions and changes will be necessary in order for you to have a chance of achieving your goals and changing your life forever? Are you willing to do what it takes to make this happen… by the end of 2024? Or, do you have doubts that you have what it takes to do this?
If I can do this, I know and believe you can too. One step at a time, and consistent actions and course correction will make the difference, along with guidance from a mentor, family/friends support, and you making effort each day to raise your levels of self-esteem and confidence in your new entrepreneur’s journey to success. I believe in you and will never give up on you!
I’m bestselling author, marketing strategist, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green. have re-launched my “Monthly Mentor Program” and invite you to come aboard as a Charter Member at the lowest investment I have ever offered. This will be limited to the first 50 people, and some of those spots have already been taken by people who have worked with me previously. Take a look and consider joining our group for an adventure that will hopefully change your life and your income potential forever:
*Resources for You! This summer could be life and income changing for you if you choose to embrace your new entrepreneur’s journey. I got started in the summer of 2006, after dabbling on a very part-time basis for the previous eight months or so. Recently, I shared exactly what you need to get started in business as an online entrepreneur. I had many people email me to thank me for making these details so simple. If it isn’t simple and fun, I don’t play! I want you to be able to create a lifestyle that makes sense for you, and that can be most easily achieved with an online business in 15 to 20 hours a week on a consistent basis. Please know that you may always email me with your questions at conniegreenhouse at yahoo dot com and I’ll answer you personally.
* Choose a domain name (your name and/or your niche topic) at GoDaddy or Name Cheap and make sure it’s a dot com. If it’s your name, purchase it for at least three years for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes.
* Sign up for a hosting plan from A2 (they’re having a sale right now) at https://ConnieLoves.me/A2Hosting – Scroll down and choose “Shared Hosting/View Plans” and either the “Drive” or “Turbo Boost” plans. They will walk you through the one-click process of setting up your hosted, WordPress blog/website and you’ll officially be in business!
* NOTE: You’ll want to ADD your domain name to your A2 account and NOT transfer your domain. This is important!
* Set your blog as your “Home Page” on your website and publish your first blog post within 24 hours, using either your own original writing or something you have as private label rights (PLR) content. Here are many topics to download at no cost from people I know personally and buy from regularly: https://ConnieLoves.me/PiggyFree and “Embrace Gratitude” Lead Magnet Package at https://ConnieLoves.me/EmbraceGratitude
* Add an opt in with a free giveaway (private label (PLR) rights content works well)… I recommend you start with either of these two free autoresponders… AWeber at https://ConnieLoves.me/AWeberFree ~OR~ ConvertKit at https://ConnieLoves.me/ARConvertKit and please know that coming in through my affiliate link for both hosting with A2 and building your list with AWeber or ConvertKit gives you additional benefits in your dashboard for each.
* Let me know when you’ve done these things so I may take a look at your site and share you with my vast online community!
* You’ll be creating simple (One Problem, One Solution) products of your own in the coming months, using a strategy that’s working very well for the people I mentor. This means you need a shopping cart and an affiliate program. Thrive Cart has reopened their sale, and the details are at https://ConnieLoves.me/ThriveCart
My life is forever changed now that I have an online business. In fact, every one of my family members – on two continents! – now earn at least part of their income online. I mentor them in the same way I mentor my clients, and it’s a win for everyone. Email me directly at conniegreenhouse at yahoo dot com if you want more information about my mentoring.
** What’s next? After you set the wheels in motion, share yourself with the world on your favorite social media platform. Mine is X (formerly known as Twitter) and I’m there at https://x.com/ConnieGreen and my highlights are at https://x.com/ConnieGreen/highlights
*** Treat your business like a business and it will pay you forever like a business; treat it like a hobby and it will cost you more than you could ever have imagined. It’s always your choice, of course. Best of success with you own new entrepreneur’s journey to success.
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