Happy New Year 2024! Your Year to Celebrate has arrived… Are you excited about what this new year could bring, or resigned to the idea that nothing will change for you?
Making resolutions for the new year are so last millennium and didn’t work for most of us anyway. Instead, creating an annual theme that’s in alignment with your goals, dreams, and vision for your life makes more sense.
While I found 2023 to be challenging for me on a personal level, that did not affect the way I have been preparing for 2024. I waited until the ball had dropped in New York City to officially welcome the new year into my life experience.
Each year for well over a decade I have selected a word and a phrase as my theme for the year. This year, I’m proud to announce that my themed phrase is Legacy Living with Wisdom and Transformational Action. I’ll break it down to make it more meaningful, and possibly more interesting for you as you plan to achieve the personal and business goals that are most important to you.
I’ve been talking about something I refer to as “Legacy Living” for some time now. In a recent email message to my community, I wrote this:
This past week has been one of planning, daydreaming, goal setting, reflecting, and interacting with the people in my personal life I am closest to and treasure the most. We’ll be together through Monday evening, and the topic of greatest interest to all of us has been around legacy.
I first learned of legacy “planning” when I worked closely with a global consultant almost ten years ago. But what I do with family and a handful of close friends and colleagues is about legacy “living”. Everything I do is based around my commitment to create a legacy that will outlive me. It includes my writing and creating online, as well as the projects I’m involved with in my community.
Never in a million years would I have imagined that starting my business in 2006 would lead to the life experience that is now so familiar to me. A simple eBook, a teleseminar, and some affiliate marketing gave me so much more than a way to earn income from my laptop computer. The eBook was on the topic of real estate farming, something I had been actively doing for a decade while I was in real estate. The teleseminar was one in which I shared my ideas for the new year and allowed me to get past my fear of public speaking to an audience, live or virtual. The affiliate marketing was the vehicle that first brought my income online, and I committed to only recommending the people I was purchasing and benefiting from in my new online business.
In one fell swoop, I became an author, public speaker, and affiliate marketer and wanted to shout these newfound strategies from the rooftops! Perhaps this is why I feel so strongly about continuing to share what I’ve learned with as many other people as possible.
My writing is my oeuvre, my body of work that is my legacy to family, friends, colleagues, and those who follow me. During 2023 I wrote and published more than 400 thousand words. This breaks down to one full-length book, Self-Directed: Inspire, Motivate, and Empower Yourself to the Greatness That Lies Within; the current book on marketing that is more than halfway written; 8 short reports on topics of interest to the people I work with online; one hundred thirty-eight blog posts on three different blogs I maintain; and 382 email messages to my online community.
My 2024 Theme: Legacy Living with Wisdom and Transformational Action…
My “Legacy Living” ensures that what I write, create, and say during the remainder of my life will carry on long after I’ no longer walk the earth.
Wisdom is in the eye of the beholder, yet there are wise thoughts, words, and actions that are recognized every day. More than having knowledge, wisdom is a thoughtful application of insight, good judgment and experience. Wisdom comes from a higher power, and this is the year to ask for it and act upon it.
As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned that along with wisdom comes other resources… adaptability, foresight and the ability to navigate through uncertain times. In times of ambiguity or upheaval, wisdom isn’t just valuable; it’s indispensable.
For any entrepreneur or business leader, we must also harness the shared wisdom of trusted advisers and mentors. Seeking counsel isn’t a sign of weakness but a testament to the idea that wisdom is a collective effort. I’ve been mentored since the year before I left my job as a classroom teacher and real estate broker and appraiser. I would not be where I am today without this guidance, and it’s why I mentor a small group of people each day as they navigate the waters of entrepreneurship, marketing, and more. Seeking diverse perspectives, experiences, and insight creates innovation and change.
“Wisdom” is my compass for the guidance I need in my own life and business, as well as what I share with others. This prepares all of us to face and embrace the challenges and the opportunities that are on the horizon.
The concept of “Transformational Action” embodies the idea of radical metamorphosis. More than simply a descriptor, transformation is a call to action, beckoning us to engage with the world in a way that leaves a lasting, positive imprint. As we go boldly forth in the new year, is there anything more important and exciting than that?
We often seek transformational experiences to break free from the constraints of routine and embrace a more authentic version of ourselves. Whether it’s a career change, starting a new business, writing a book, becoming a public speaker, or a commitment to self-improvement, the journey toward becoming our best selves is inherently transformational.
Transformational also holds immense weight when applied to organizations or societal structures. Leaders and those working with service organizations and non-profits such as myself, aspire to lead transformational initiatives that transcend the status quo, fostering innovation and progress. Every day, I am working toward transformational growth, aiming not just for incremental improvements but revolutionary shifts that have the potential to redefine and illuminate the world.
Transformational change connotes positive impact. These changes are not merely disruptive; they aim to elevate, inspire and create lasting benefits for people who may not have any idea that there are others conspiring on their behalf.
With transformational change comes inherent challenges. Change, even when positive, can be uncomfortable, demanding resilience and adaptability and requiring a delicate balance between embracing the new and preserving the essence of what makes us who we are. As you move forward with the new year 2024, know and believe that everything is possible.
What Will This Year Be Like for You?
The Year of Greater Creativity
Did you know that the “Steamboat Willie” version of Mickey Mouse now in the public domain? To be clear, the public (that’s you and me) has gained the right to creatively use the breakout black-and-white Disney characters strictly as they appear in the 1928 animated short film “Steamboat Willie”, as well as that year’s silent version of the short film “Plane Crazy.” I can’t wait to see what creators and visionaries will add to their trainings in this area of public domain content of all types. Allow yourself the space to create and begin thinking of yourself as a “Creative.”
The Year of Yes
Shonda Rhimes didn’t realize she’d been stuck in her ways until a relative asked her to do something fun. When she declined, she was told that she spent most of her time saying ‘no’ to opportunities. The conversation opened her eyes and she decided to open herself to more possibilities. This sparked what she now calls her “Year of Yes”. She even wrote a book about the experience… Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person and I consider this to be a “Must-Read” for everyone who dreams of more, and in any or all areas of your life.
The Year of Self-Care
Personally, I didn’t give much thought to self-care until I started my online business in 2006. Then, three of my long-time friends passed away unexpectedly, and all from issues they could have prevented by taking better care of themselves. This was a wake-up call for me, and next thing I knew self-care was a top priority for myself and those close to me.
There are so many different ways to set a theme for the New Year. Your theme could be about what you want to add (like creativity) or what you want to remove (like stress or emotional eating). Remember, there’s no right or wrong theme. Pick one that speaks to you and lean into it!
Do You Know What You Want?
When it comes to choosing a theme for upcoming year, you can start by thinking about what you want more of. If you’re not sure, consider these questions about the different areas of your life.
To really dig deep, rate yourself in each and decide where you’d like to see growth. Then ask yourself, “What do I want to create in these areas? What do I want to see more of? What do I want to see less of?”
Family and Friends
Are you happy in your relationships? Are you spending enough time with the people you love? Are you regularly speaking the love languages of those you care about? How would you rate your relationships overall?
Your Career and/or Business
Are you on the path toward where you want to be? Does your career or business align with your core values? For example, if you value being home and raising little ones then a career on the fast-track that has you constantly traveling isn’t going to be the best alignment. How would you rate your career overall?
Health and Wellness
Do you wake up each morning energized and ready to go or do you feel sluggish, tired, and unmotivated? Are you making time to move your body each day and prepare nourishing meals? Have you sought out experts like a doctor or chiropractor for any health issues that you’re experiencing? How would you rate your health overall?
Spirituality and Faith
What kind of energy are you creating in your life and in your relationships? Do you feel at peace with the universe? Do you anticipate good things happening to you and for you? How are you living out the values of your spirituality in your day-to-day life? How would you rate your spirituality or faith overall?
Wealth… Finances and Investments
Are you financially stable or are you living paycheck to paycheck? Do you have a monthly budget that makes you feel confident about where your money is going? Do you have a savings plan in place for things like retirement and college? How would you rate your wealth overall?
Achievement of Goals and Dreams
What do you want to achieve? Are there goals and dreams on your achievement list that you’ve realized aren’t important or don’t belong there? What are some new achievements you’d like to add to the list? How would you rate your current level of achievements overall?
Fun, Play, Joy, and Laughter
What activities do you consider fun? Are you prioritizing them? Are you regularly taking time away for fulfilling activities that energize you? How would you rank your fun experiences overall?
Ideally, you want to rank your satisfaction with these areas of your life on a scale of 1-10. There’s no right or wrong answer – if it feels like a 5 to you, then it is. If an area scores low, ask yourself why and consider what you need to change in your life. Yes, you hold the power to change just about anything in your life experience!
Your Personal Word or Phrase
So you’re trying to choose a new word for the upcoming year. You want something that captures all of your hopes, dreams, and inspirations for the New Year. If you’re struggling to choose a theme, it can be helpful to think of one word or phrase. Here are three reasons you might want to consider this method and strategy:
One Word or Phrase Invites Simplicity
There’s something about a brand new year that encourages you to become an overachiever. You plan to start a fitness regimen, get a new job, find love, get out of debt, eat healthy, spend more time with loved ones, go back to school, or any number of other goals.
But having just one word or phrase to guide you can simplify your resolutions. Not only does this decrease stress, it also makes it easier to focus. You are more likely to achieve big things when you’re not feeling pressured to do it all.
One Word or Phrase Challenges You to Be Intentional
It’s easy to think of resolutions like a dessert bar filled with cakes, candy, cookies, ice cream, and other goodies. You want one of everything, so it makes sense for you to load up on the things you think you’re supposed to want.
But what if you flipped the script? What if instead of trying to take a bit of everything, you just picked up one decadent dessert like a creamy cheesecake topped with a sweet cherry glaze or a slice of melt-in-your-mouth peach cobbler? What if you embraced the sweetness of now with a simple choice?
One Word or Phrase Shifts Your Focus
It’s easy to fixate on what you don’t like about yourself or your life. For example, if you’re in a bad situation that you cannot change, you may keep throwing around the word “stuck”.
But choosing one word to embrace can shift your focus. What if you used the word “purpose” to remind yourself that there’s a purpose for the situation you are in? Or what if you chose the phrase “this too shall pass”?
A lot of creative people enjoy choosing a single word to act as focal point. Elizabeth Rider has a blog post with a list of words you might want to consider. Gretchen Rubin shares the words she and loved ones have used in the past few years on her blog.
You can let others know the word and/or phrase you chose by writing about and posting the words and why they are meaningful to you. You can even browse what words other people are picking for 2023 to give you some inspiration. Regardless of what word you pick, just have fun and enjoy doing it!
Choose a Mentor to Inspire and Guide You
Picking a theme for the upcoming year is a great way to jumpstart the next 366 (2024 is a Leap Year!) days. But don’t stop there. You also want to choose a mentor. A mentor is someone that motivates you to keep pushing yourself and upping your own game. Here’s how to pick the best mentor for your upcoming year…
Who Inspires You?
Start by thinking about who regularly inspires you. Maybe it’s the speaking coach that’s crushing it with their products or the crafty mom who turned her blog into a thriving business that supports her family.
It’s alright if you choose a mentor in a different niche. For example, you may choose a mentor who sells makeup online, even though you’re a brand designer for local businesses. Just because you’re in separate industries, it doesn’t mean you can’t be influenced by them.
My Mentors tend to be people in the personal development and self-improvement niches. However, they are running successful online business and have a global audience, so they are an excellent fit for me and the goals I’m aspiring to achieve.
Why Do They Inspire You?
As you consider who might be a good mentor, ask yourself why certain people inspire you. It may be they have something you want like a big business, a good marriage, or a great sense of style. It could also be something they already are like an artist, an entrepreneur, a speaker, or a prolific writer.
Getting clear on why someone inspires you is important. Once you know, you’ll understand yourself better and what it is you want to create more of in your own life.
How Can You Learn from This Mentor?
You can begin learning from your mentor right away. Read her blog and sign up for updates. Listen to her podcast episodes and take notes on the nuggets of wisdom that capture your interest. Follow her on social media and check in on her profile a couple of times a week.
Study what works for your mentor and what doesn’t. Pay attention to how they structure their time and uses their energy. Note this person’s goals and see how they reach them, and what she tools they uses along the way.
How Will You Engage with Your Mentor?
As you’re learning from your mentor and soaking up their wisdom, don’t forget to engage with them. Comment on Facebook or reply on Twitter. Let them know how much you appreciate the fact that they are sharing their journey.
Look for ways you could hang out with her, whether online or in a virtual space. Sign up for their webinar or attend the conference they’re speaking at. Watch their livestreams on Facebook and take their courses.
Finding a mentor doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. In fact, there’s probably one or two people that you already admire and can learn a lot from!
Grow into Your Best Self
Growing into your best self isn’t always easy. It usually requires hard work and discipline. That’s why having a mentor by your side can be so helpful. You have someone that understands what you’re doing and pushes you to achieve your goals. But before you hire the first person you meet, keep these tips in mind:
Know What You Want to Tackle and Take Your Time
What is that one goal that if you achieved it, your whole life would improve? Maybe it’s your finances or your health or your marriage. Whatever that area is, think about what you want to accomplish.
If you want to change your finances, maybe your big goal is getting out of debt and creating an emergency fund. If it’s your health, maybe your big goal is to move from consuming highly-processed foods to eating organic foods that nourish your body.
Remember, a Mentor can’t create a goal for you, but they can help you refine your goal so it fits with your values and honors who you are. But you’re likely to get more out of your mentoring sessions if you already know your destination.
Don’t rush to hire a mentor just because another year is starting. Choosing the wrong person for you is like buying a pair of shoes that are too small. Yes, you can still get where you want to go but the journey will be painful and kind of miserable.
You want to take your time and choose a Mentor that’s a great fit for you. A mentoring relationship should stretch you a little (just like those new shoes) but it should be a fun experience that fills you with confidence!
Hire a Mentor who asks the Hard Questions
Make sure you find a mentor who challenges you. A good mentor doesn’t just give you the tools to succeed. He/She also mines deeper, looking for hidden mindset issues that are holding you hostage and keeping you from accomplishing your goals.
You also want a mentor who won’t let you off the hook or accept your excuses. You want someone that’s going to make you accountable and follow up with you on how your progress is going.
When it comes to choosing a mentor, don’t settle. Keep searching until you find a coach that you really connect with and that challenges you to be the best version of yourself.
I’m bestselling author, speaker, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green, living my life by design and working closely with a small group of people in Masterminds and Mentoring programs. Let’s connect and discover what the future holds for us, shall we?
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