Throughout my years as a human in training, I can recall and count on one hand the times I’ve been asked my opinion that led with “and what do you believe?” from the person in authority at that moment. This includes my two decades as a classroom teacher, even longer than that as a real estate broker and residential appraiser, and all of the interactions in my professional and private lives over the past half century or so.
When you believe in yourself, everything shifts focus and you create your life experience using lifestyle design.
We had a bit of excitement at our house during December, when the youngest member of the family was sure he’d heard Santa and his reindeer up on the roof. He saw the light on in my bedroom and knocked softly before pushing the door open, dashing in, and plopping down in my most comfortable chair. We proceeded to have the most magical and delightful conversation, one that can only be experienced with a four-year-old.
I grew up believing in Santa until I was about 10 years old, and I continue to believe in magic related to all things in my life. This little fellow sensed that and knew I’d be on the edge of my chair while he related the earlier events to me. When I asked him if it was possible that the wind and rain was responsible for what he heard outside his window, he gave me a look that told him I might not believe in the existence of Santa Claus. In order to recover, I asked him…
“Is it possible that Santa and his reindeer were so excited because of the rain that they arrived one day early?”
A blank stare shoots back my direction and I reframe my original question.
“Do you believe it was Santa on the roof?”
The wheels are turning now and he contemplates his next move, strategizing like the persuasion expert he has become. I wait, patiently and enjoying this time immensely.
Then he began counting on his tiny fingers and finally looked up at me with an impish grin.
“One more sleep ’til Santa comes!” he exclaimed before we both broke into laughter. Then he went off to bed just as his mother was texting me to find out if this little missing person was with me.
We never did get to the bottom of what or who or why there was noise outside his bedroom window. Perhaps that will be addressed in our next midnight encounter.
What about you? Do you believe? Believe in what, you ask. Believe in yourself. Believe in the magic and the science and the coincidences that allow our world view to be greater than the sum of its parts.
Early on, in my quest to change my life completely by reinventing myself and giving myself permission for a “do-over” of sorts, I was introduced to this quote by Marianne Williamson…
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”
Years later, I learned that there is more to what she said above. She continues…
“We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~ Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”
When you believe, you instantly have focus and clarity and confidence and purpose. As I surrendered my fears and insecurities and doubts to believe in myself and my dreams, the whole world opened up to greet me and welcome me into the fold. I was no longer alone; I was a part of something much larger than I ever could have imagined. I breathed in deeply and as my chest swelled, the flowers bloomed and the sun rose high in the sky.
You must learn to raise your vibration to manifest exactly what you want in your life experience. This is what I have learned over the past two decades about myself in relation to the Universe…
Everything in the Universe emits a particular frequency. By emitting a specific frequency means that everything vibrates at a high or low level. Most people have heard of The Law of Attraction, but many know little about The Law of Vibration. It is worth understanding this law because it is the basis of The Law of Attraction.
The level you vibrate at is how you will experience events, situations, and people in your life. If you choose to be happy, you will witness people and situations that will make you happy. Our vibration acts as a mirror.
Our beliefs lead to thoughts. These thoughts cause our feelings. Our feelings then bring about our actions. Our actions represent our intention. Altogether, each of these represents our vibration.
What Happens When Your Energy is Not at a Higher Vibration?
* You often feel stuck in your thoughts.
* It’s hard for you to be creative, innovative, and upbeat.
* It is difficult for you to understand your purpose in life.
* You often feel tired and sick.
* You feel depressed, anxious, and without energy.
* You are often angry.
* You get into an argument with everyone.
* You have become very intolerant.
* Nothing makes sense to you.
* It’s hard for you to focus on work, conversations, and relationships with people.
* You have neither the will nor the desire to set your goals.
What Energy are You Emitting When You Raise Your Vibration to Manifest What You Want?
It is easy to notice the difference between high and low vibration energy if you are observant. When we are on a high vibration, you may feel blessed, full of life, and happiness. You are joyful, smiling, and upbeat. We experience and understand our power, peace, clarity, and love. We have much more understanding and patience, so it is much easier to manifest what we desire.
When we are in a lower vibration, you may feel sad, depressed, and feel unsettled. This can be remedied by raising your vibration. This will also help with understanding resilience and mental toughness.
How to Raise Your Vibration
1. Listen to music
Music is a compelling way to raise vibration. Every song, every note has a particular frequency. So, when you are sad, don’t listen to songs that will make you even more miserable. Try to listen to something that makes you feel good. Listen to music that makes you want to dance, move, and play. I like to create playlists for myself on YouTube. I have ones for motivation, focus, love, and many more.
2. Keep a written journal
Writing down your thoughts is an ideal way to understand the level on which you vibrate. At the same time, it is one of the ways to raise your frequency by practicing gratitude. Every day write down what you enjoy in your life. Shift the focus from what you want to what you have and be grateful for it.
3. Visualize
Visualization is a powerful tool. It helps you get into the energy of what you want to manifest. Taking time to visualize good things will raise your vibration. Set aside 20 minutes per day to visualize. Try to be alone, close your eyes, and imagine living the way you think you should. The goal is to achieve the desired emotion and be in that energy of it.
4. Be creative
Think back to your best memory. Imagine a memory where you felt great and aligned with the world. Take paper and pencil and draw whatever comes to your mind.
Another way you can be creative is to color in a coloring book. The mindful activity will relax your mind and body. It’s a great way to de-stress at the end of the day.
You can also try:
* Painting
* Drawing
* Writing songs
* Writing stories
* Playing music
* Or any other creative activity you enjoy
Try taking on a project to create a shelf for your room, or paint a fence, door, or window. Use your imagination to change something in your surroundings.
5. Laugh and have fun
Surround yourself with people who have not forgotten how to have fun and who make you happy and smile. No matter how many challenges life gives you, try to be positive. Laughter is the best medicine.
Signs the Universe is Talking to You
We recognize the cosmic information sent to us by the Universe as signs. The Universe communicates with us non-stop. Depending on our consciousness level and knowledge of signs, we may or may not recognize them.
Sometimes we download cosmic information into our energy fields without even realizing it. To recognize these signs, we must be aware and present at the moment we receive the information. We can be more intentional about realizing when the universe sends us signs.
Why Would the Universe Want to Get Your Attention?
Each soul has its own goal. Yet, there are things that get in the way of achieving our goals. These things include our lifestyle, unhealthy habits, and our thoughts.
That is why the cosmos sometimes forces things to happen. Mistakes and undesirable situations we get into can lead us to learning what our soul wants. The universe sends us messages and signals to return us to our soul’s path.
How the Universe Communicates with You
To recognize signs from the universe, we must be open to receiving them. We need to pay attention and ask for clarity on any messages coming from the Universe. There are several ways the Universe is sending you a message. Those ways can be:
1. Through Angel Numbers
If you often see a specific sequence of numbers, these have meanings that point to messages. Repetitive numbers such as 1111, 222, 11:11, and the like, mean that the Universe is sending you a message. When I see 704 I know the Universe is reminding me of my birth day. The message corresponds with the number.
These are all signs that you are on the right path or that these are the paths you are working toward. Each sequence of these numbers has specific meanings. You can find the right answers in numerology or Angel number interpretations.
2. Synchronicity
Synchronicity is among the most exciting ways the Universe communicates with you. It is much more common in those people whose level of consciousness is high.
Have you ever thought about someone or something and it/they show up in your life? It’s an act of synchronicity where things happen at the right time when you start to think about it.
Synchronicity opens a door you can walk through to achieve what you want to manifest. Another way synchronicity works is that you may think it’s time to change direction in career. You start to see job openings or classes you can take the reaffirm your thought. It’s synchronicity from the universe saying that the new path is open to you.
3. Through dreams
If you often dream the same dream over and over again, try to memorize and interpret it. The Universe is trying again to send you the same message because you did not understand it. There are deeper meanings in our dreams that come from our subconscious. When interpreted, the dream can release long pent-up anxiety or fear.
4. Through nature and objects in your environment
Pay attention to what you reject and what attracts you. Where is your focus most of the time? What do you see most often?
For example, if you enjoy having your home decorated with wolves, there is a deeper spiritual meaning. Anything that draws you towards it has a reason. The wolf can be a time in your life when you need to be a part of something bigger than you that is like the wolf pack. Or it could mean that you need to be a leader.
When you notice you feel drawn towards something, ask it what it means for you. Each of us may interpret an object’s meaning differently, based on our current situation.
5. Listen to your body
Learn to listen to your body. In some cases, physical pain can disappear when you find the emotional cause of the symptom.
If you feel uneasy about an event or decision, listen to what you are saying to yourself. Your body holds clues to your true self. When you are in tune with what messages the universe sends through your body, you can recognize the signs.
If you are not familiar with what your body is saying to you, take time to listen with a meditation. I’ve begun using an app called Balance for my daily meditations.
Signs the Universe is Trying to Get Your Attention
* You are always losing things.
* You are often sick or mentally tired.
* You have become anxious.
* You have a problem with your sleep pattern.
* You have uncomfortable feelings in your stomach.
* You have become very clumsy.
* You get into disagreements with people around you.
* You notice unusual delays, obstacles, and challenges.
* You have a sense of weight on your shoulders
* You’ve lost your sense of direction or what’s next for your life.
* You feel pulled in many directions, but you talk yourself out of them.
How to Open Up and Listen to the Universe
The best way is to relax, clear your mind, and practice mindfulness so that you will be open to believe what is waiting for you. Be present at the moment without living in the past or present. Try to pay attention to signs the universe sends you. These may be through dreams, repetitive numbers, and people who appear in your life.
I’m Connie Ragen Green and I believe in my power to create the life I love with lifestyle design. Let’s connect, shall we, and explore the intricate edges of the world that are ready to expand in our favor.
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