I was raised by a mother who was an idealist. She turned away from her Midwestern upbringing and moved to California with my father the day after they were married in a traditional wedding at the Francis & First Street Methodist Church near downtown St. Joseph, Missouri. California was a culture shock for both of them, but in different ways. My father was appalled at the aberrant behavior of the people he encountered. My mother was enchanted by the freedom for women to smoke cigarettes in … [Read more...]
Other Than That, How Was the Play?
Over the course of my lifetime I have come to accept that I attract the people and the situations into my life experience based on my my vibrational frequency and that I must take full responsibility for everything that occurs. The overwhelming majority of what comes into my realm of experience is joyous and positive. I'm giving out good energy and vibes and the universe is bouncing that back to me in kind. It's what happens every once in awhile that forces me to take pause and question what I'm … [Read more...]
If I Knew Then What I Know Now…
If I Knew Then What I Know Now... If I had known back while I was in my twenties what I now know, I would have lived my life a little bit differently. Don't get me wrong; I have no regrets and love the life that has unfolded for me so far. And I'm grateful for everything. But a few tiny tweaks and small changes would have made the feast of life a bit more delicious and satisfying. Allow me to share more on this theme of "If I knew then what I know now" with you here. While I was in college … [Read more...]
The Death of Your Dream
Death changes you. It changes everything, forever. Whether it is that of a parent, or a child, or of a close friend or family member, once that person is gone you are never the same. What I want to discuss is a different type of death, but one that will nonetheless change your life and your perspective forever. What I am referring to here is the death of a dream. This type of death may sneak up on you. It is like a cancer that has been growing inside your body for months or years and … [Read more...]
My Mother’s Hopes and Dreams for Me
July 29th, 2019 My mother had great hopes and dreams for me, as all mothers do for their children in one way or another. I was named Connie after singers Connie Stevens and Connie Francis because she wanted me to sing and play the piano. Another singer she admired was Constance "Connee" Boswell, born in her home state of Missouri and part of "The Boswell Sisters" jazz harmony group. Connee was a gifted jazz vocalist, unable to walk after a childhood bout with polio, and a great influence … [Read more...]
“Go Back Where You Came From”
The words rang loud and clear and pierced through to the heart… "Go back where you came from!" It's the first week in August of 1986 and my first year as a classroom teacher. I was assigned a 5th/6th grade split and happy to have the job. Even though I had been a substitute teacher for several months during the previous school year I had no idea what it would be like to be the leader and at the helm in my own classroom. I'd imagined an idealistic setting where everyone loved to read and … [Read more...]
The President Has Been Assassinated
I was in the third grade when President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. The principal announced it over the PA (public address) system and her tone was soft and defeated as she shared the news in a gentle way. My teacher, Miss Turk told us to get our things ready. It wasn’t even eleven o’clock but we did as we were told and lined up with our lunch boxes and jackets on that chilly November morning. The mothers began arriving within minutes, all dressed in floral print house dresses and … [Read more...]
I’m an Introvert
I’m an introvert. People usually don’t believe me when I state this as a fact, but it’s true. I’m able to laugh and joke and spend time with groups of people for a few hours once in awhile, but I must then take refuge in a quiet room with the lights dimmed to recharge my batteries. Monday mornings are particularly challenging because my weekends have become busier and more exciting over the past several years. I am an online entrepreneur working alone in front of my computer for three to four … [Read more...]