Let me preface this post by stating that I am NOT an early adopter of technology. Instead, I like to take a wait and see stance and then observe, do some research, dip my toe in the water, and then think about my positions. This behavior has served me well in many areas of my life, and drilling down to find the truth about AI for marketing is no exception. There is no shame in wanting to find good tools, shortcuts and helpful products that can benefit your business as an online entrepreneur. … [Read more...]
Reversal of Fortune
Reversal of Fortune... Taking Small Steps Each Day Makes All the Difference I learned early on that having some optimal info at just the right time can turn everything around for us. It can lead to great things, including a "reversal of fortune." This is my experience with this phenomenon, and I'm sharing it in hopes that this will make a difference in your life experience as well. First, I'll define the term "reversal of fortune" as a situation where someone has turned around their life in … [Read more...]
Finding Your Purpose
Finding Your Purpose: Questions to Ask Yourself Do you know how to find your purpose? If you posed that question to several people, the majority would likely answer no. It’s because there is a world of possibilities. People are afraid to try something new out of fear of the unknown. They often don’t know how to go about looking for what they should be doing. The process of finding my purpose began with asking myself some hard questions... You need first to ask if what you are doing now is … [Read more...]
Creating Your Five Year Plan
Having goals and dreams is a wonderful thing and a part of being human. However, if you do not have a plan for turning those dreams into reality and reaching those goals, that is all they will ever be... dreams. Do you have such a plan? If not, what I'm sharing with you here will help you with creating your five year plan, to move closer to where you want to be in your life. Scroll Down to Grab a Copy of the Workbook I've Put Together For You As You Are Creating Your Five Year Plan... No Opt … [Read more...]
Blogging a Book
My first book consisted of fifty blog posts I had written on the topic of building a profitable business, based on using the power and leverage of relationship marketing. Early on, I didn't realize I was blogging a book. It came about as a result of conversations I was having in early 2009 with two mentors at that time, Raymond Aaron and Alex Mandossian. I had encountered each of these men purely by chance, and their impact on my life and business was miraculous, to say the least. It was too … [Read more...]
A Clever Girl
The traffic was light for a Saturday night, I thought. My gaze drifted from the street back to the other person seated at my table. She sat directly across from me, looking me up and down before she spoke. I was in Stockholm, and it was my first trip to Europe. I so wanted to make a good impression with this woman. Karl, the man I had come to Europe to see, had introduced her to me an hour earlier as Margaret, his school mate from long ago. I smiled, making sure to not do it too broadly, … [Read more...]
Communication with Intention as My Theme for 2023
For well over a decade, I've chosen a theme for the upcoming year. It began with a one-word theme, and soon morphed into a phrase that made sense for my goals and dreams. For the year 2023 my theme will be around the areas of "Communication with Intention" and I'll explain what I mean by this. It was Werner Erhard who told us that "the essence of communication is intention" and I now understand this from my personal, life experiences and perspective. First of all, know that I don't take … [Read more...]
Vision Board Strategy for Massive Productivity
Are You Using a Vision Board Strategy to Change Your Life? Struggle to stick to your goals? A vision board might be the answer. Vision boards have become hugely popular in recent years. Used by celebrities and leaders across the world, these powerful boards and a vision board strategy are capable of turning your dreams into reality. However, while they may provide a lot of benefits, putting one together can be challenging. If you’re new to vision boards, here you’ll discover what they are … [Read more...]
Self-Care: Putting Yourself First
Self-Care - Putting Yourself First: Making This a Priority in Your Life... When was the last time you thought about self-care - putting yourself first, in any given situation? If you’re like the majority of people, it’s probably been awhile. We tend to get caught up in the rush of a busy life and leave very little time to focus on our own self-care. Between work, family, and kids it seems like there’s rarely a moment to breathe, let alone do anything simply to make ourselves feel good. When … [Read more...]
How to Become a Morning Person
10 Tips to Become a Morning Person (Even if You're a Night Owl) There’s often a lot of debate in the productivity/entrepreneurship space as to whether it’s better to be a morning person or a night person. Invariably, most successful entrepreneurs often mention how their day starts at 4am or 5am… or some other unearthly hour. Yes, I am one of those annoying people, so I’m going to help you with tips on how to become a morning person and change your life in the process. It’s almost as if … [Read more...]