We never forget where we were when we heard the news that changes everything, turns the world upside down, and makes us take pause, if for no other reason than to figure out why the event in question touches us so deeply. I was listening to a news program on the radio while getting ready to leave the house for the day, and a formal announcement was shared from Balmoral Castle in Scotland that Queen Elizabeth II was under medical supervision. It was an odd announcement, in my thinking. She … [Read more...]
Before You Start Writing… What You Need to Know
Before You Start Writing... Some Things You Need to Know Your first introduction to writing with a journal may have been the countless hours you spent pining away in your diary during those awkward middle school days. Over the years, journaling has evolved and changed into much more than a simple diary – it’s become a tool for help you organize your life, prioritize and set goals, reflect on and remember the past as well as envision the future of your dreams. Before you start writing, I want to … [Read more...]
The Mens Dance Social
Marlene could hear the music wafting through the hallway and into the corridor as soon as she reached the center of the hotel's lobby. The Galt Ocean Mile Hotel was more beautiful than she had remembered it, with an elegance that was downright breathtaking, though it had been more than three years ago now. It was her Aunt Audrey who had insisted she drive up from Miami and spend the night here... her treat. She brushed her right hand through her hair while fishing for a hairbrush in her purse … [Read more...]
Understanding Your Emotions
Understanding Your Emotions Leads to Confidence and Success... We are all spiritual beings in a physical body, and our emotions guide us. Understanding your emotions is the key to a life fulfilled. French philosopher, paleontologist, and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said... "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." This statement became the foundation for something called Spiritual Psychology, and I was first … [Read more...]
Quietly Quitting and Hopelessly Helping
There's an idea trending now, even though the concept has been around for many decades... It's that of making the conscious decision to slowly back away and withdraw from your job and to no longer put in as much effort at work. If this seems sad and unproductive in your thinking, you are correct. Silent quitting and "quietly quitting" in its current context involves active participation in the slow death of your career and livelihood, and it's also prevalent in other areas of life. My … [Read more...]
A Life Well Lived – Vin Scully Made Time to Listen
When I heard that sports broadcaster Vin Scully had died, I immediately thought about my students. For a man bigger than life and known all over the world for his broadcasting, he was a giant and a role model for the hundreds of kids I introduced to him over a twenty year period that spanned from 1986 to 2006. Vin's life was indeed a life well lived. Most of my students were born in the States to parents who had immigrated from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and the Philippines. Yet, they … [Read more...]
Joy of the Journey
When the Joy of The Journey Finally Kicks In... They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This quote doesn't only justify the importance of taking a step and gradual progression but also incorporates the idea of appreciating the process, that is, the steps that follow and ultimately connect you to your goal, which is your destination.When the joy of the journey finally kicks in, you're on your way to a life and lifestyle of your making and design. The world we live … [Read more...]
The Side Trip
The summer was almost halfway over and Jonathan was making the most of it. Spending time at Lake Saimaa, the largest lake in the country was filled with possibilities. The cool water had personality and held promises of adventure. In three more days, the annual rowing competitions would be held on the lake, for the first time since they were cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic. Both Jonathan and his younger sister, Rhiannon were excited to be a part of this historic event, along with their … [Read more...]
Nonsense Words Splashed Across the Screen
I could hear their voices coming from the living room, and occasionally a few words or lyrics from a character in the movie or an artist singing a song they had playing in the background. Nonsense words were the furthest thing from my mind in those moments. I'd pause from time to time to determine who was speaking and what the conversation was about. But I continued to work at my computer in the room that was serving as my bedroom and home office while I was visiting in Europe that … [Read more...]
Sacred Geometry
What Is Sacred Geometry? Many teachings define sacred geometry as an ancient science that represents the blueprint of creation, the origin of all forms. It is a science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unite everything. More precisely, it defines how the energy of creation is organized. Geometric codes create all life forms, including DNA molecules, crystals, galaxies, stars, snowflakes, the cornea of the eye, and snowflakes. All forms have spiritual meaning - … [Read more...]